Talkin Turkey

Well I did it. I finally roasted a turkey! And for that I give Thanks!

How neighbourly of me! I am Canadian, so no, this is not an early Thanksgiving Turkey. We did our Thanksgiving weekend last month. I explained it to my son like “our harvest season is earlier because of how it gets cooler here sooner”, but I really don’t know why our Thanksgiving comes earlier. I bet it Is to do with when the carrots are done in the ground though! I like to think that idea.

Aaaaanywaaaaay, back to turkey. Why I decided to learn how to roast a turkey is thus… we were given ‘Christmas’ turkeys at work. And I already have a turkey in my freezer that I have been ignoring for many months, so there wasn’t room for it in there. And I Could have given it away, that would have been nice of me I guess. But my wallet is thin and we can use the good food. So. Time to woman up and learn how to roast a bird!

Is it shameful that I haven’t in my 39 years roasted a bird before? Here are a few reasons. In the past I have lived as a vegetarian, so I had an excuse not to learn. I also lived with people who wanted to own the kitchen on big meal days, and I let him, I mean Them. I have been known to be in charge of the squash. Because I like squash and if I didn’t do it, there might not be any. Sure. Or, more likely, and most recently, I work most holiday meals. And so my son goes elsewhere for the big dinners, and I again have an excuse not to bother. But, I am far too thrifty to not roast this bad boy up! I know, this is not vegetarian friendly. But I put that aside for the sake of affording to feed my child. There. We have to weigh our conscious decisions sometimes…

So. Days of fridge thawing gave me time to research. There are some pretty decent websites that come up, with a good old googling! And friends to resource. And at 8 pm tonight we ate a plateful of turkey with gravy. Nothing else, mostly because we had already eaten all our regular meals today, and this was an experiment, a learning experience…not a full on celebration. And because I was too busy rearranging my bedroom to bother with the vegetable prep. (Not sure what that was about, procrastination? Denial? Nesting?) I Had considered setting the turkey on top of some carrots and taters to roast, but I am not that experienced yet. Anyway according to Elfboy, I did pretty good.

My freezer agrees. Actually it doesn’t yet. Because I need to find room for all the little foiled packages of turkey meat ready to be popped in there for future reference. (Lookin forward to months of turkey pot pie and soup!)

I don’t have any pictures to share of the experience. Roasting birds are gross to look at. I bet the neighbours are wondering what I was up to with all my verbalization during prep time. But I guess I done good. (Thanks to 3 special helpers from a distance!) and I am pumped to learn about stuffing and determined to make cranberry sauce to go with the next one. Which I won’t be thawing any time soon, I can tell you that! In the mean time, Turkey for all! Sammiches and a massive drumstick for lunch tomorrow…  (At least some kale salad to go with?) Good times.

Now that the thing has been roasted, eaten and stripped, I am ready for some … raisin bran. Mmmmmm

So, an early Happy Thanksgiving to my American Friends. In this time, when there is so much grief to focus on, I am also thankful for many things. And I wish for you to have much to be thankful for too. May abundance surround you.

8 thoughts on “Talkin Turkey

  1. I remember the first time I roasted a chicken, for the traditional Christmas dinner, I must have rung my mum about a dozen times while it was cooking to make sure I was doing it right. What a sense of achievement though at the end (I was ‘only’ 22 at the time).

    Haven’t cooked one since though :-).


    1. it Is a pretty big deal, isn’t it?! I had a friend on stand by on the olde fbook and a couple of webpages up. a far cry from the comfort and guidance of a parent on the other end of the line, but I guess it worked.
      I had a panic when I read so many people saying that you Cant roast a bird without a meat thermometer, but a couple of friends responded to my crisis mode texts with some words of advice and reassurance.
      Dreadful thing is the turkey in the freezer, the whole one, has been in there for almost a year now. And I think I need to use it up soon! And then I never want to see one again.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Yay for roasting a turkey!!! I’m 31 and didn’t do one till 3 years ago. (Hubby and I were calling and texting both of our moms!!) We’ve done a few since. Never more than 1-2 a year because the meet lasts frozen. We love making turkey veggie soup and turkey bundles! We even made a white chili with some of the meat one year! But I do looove the whole turkey with green bean casserole and mashed potatoes and stuffing and gravy thanksgiving style meal!


    1. OOoh! A white bean chilli sound delightful! That is a great idea! I am ignoring the turkey business for today, doing some cleaning and maybe wrap some fake tree garland around the balcony. cause at least it is fresh and clean if not freezing out there. and the apartment is a spiral of disorganization 😀


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