September Moon Glow

The idea that the world is going on without my notice, care, or attention, keeps striking home in my heart.

Namely, I was just preparing my nightly bowl of cereal and as I walked out of the kitchen, I turned off the light. And the glow of the moon struck me full on with her glory! Tonight is the last night of September! Hard to believe! And this moon she is full in a whole ‘nother way.

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A Harvest Moon, A September Moon. A Fall Moon. A cold, vast and bright Sky ready to welcome October!

It was too cold for me to stay out there trying to snap a clear shot. But that moon, she is still rising, with or without me. And hoodie and I have to go back out and commune with her a while. I Welcome October and all that this Autumn will bring. With open arms and heart now full of moon glow.